

With AI, RIAD wants to Revolutionize the world of Travel

We are looking for teammates to commence their energy in fighting with us and get shits done to make this world easier for travelers to enjoy the beauty of traveling

Our Service : RIA

Release Date : 2025 / 03 / 20
Domain :

Who we are

At Riad Corporation
Why we drive ourself to unthinkable task and how we are challenging ourselves
Riad corporation is team of pioneering spirits which strive to change the world in their career lifetime. We possess determination and will to change the travel industry as a whole with our domain expertise in travel, Ai, and B2B transactions.
We are always open to new members who aspire to push their limits and progress toward better travel experiences for all mankind.

About us

“금융계의 블룸버그 터미널이 있다면, 저희는 여행업계에 리아드가 있다는 말을 듣고 싶다”
이병주 CEO가 인터뷰를 통해 초자동화 Ai 솔루션을 이야기했다

Open Positions

You may find our currently opened recruiting positions below

Recruiting Process



 Business: B2B Travel Commerce
 Location: HQ (Seoul, Republic of Korea)
  Website: (Service/TBD ) / (Company Intro)
  Social Media: @riadcorp